Inaugural GISAID Academy Training Programme | Indonesia 2024

GISAID Academy - Accelerated NGS Bioinformatics I

Kura Kura Bali, 18-21 April 2024

Indonesia's Ministry of Health invited researchers from 22 public health laboratories across its archipelago and Southeast Asia (incl. Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Philippines), to take part in the inaugural class of the GISAID Academy on the Island of Bali.  Based on the Balinese philosophy of life Tri Hita Karana the three ways to happiness or harmony, a four-day bioinformatics training retreat was held on the idyllic United In Diversity Bali Campus, featuring state-of-the-art learning facilities.

The comprehensive programme elevates the ability of participants to harness NGS data for public health response, with topics spanning from foundational NGS data processing and phylogenetic analyses to instructions on standard and advanced features & functionalities and use of integrated tools for analysis on the GISAID platform.

Thursday, 18 April

Session 1:  Introduction to Linux and Command Line
Session 2:  Introduction to Sequence Assembly and Metagenomic Analyses

Friday, 19 April

Session 3:  Read Mapping and Consensus Sequence Generation
Session 4:  Introduction to GISAID Databases and Data Curation

Saturday, 20 April

Session 5:  GISAID Tools for Mutation Analyses and Tracking
Session 6:  GISAID Dashboards for Statistics and Report Generation
Session 7:  Phylogenetics and Phylodynamics

Sunday, 21 April

Session 8:  Group projects and presentations

Monday, 22 April

Presentation of Graduation Certificates: 
by HE Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin and Sang Adi Mahendra, Governor of Bali
(Live webcast)

The inaugural class of the GISAID Academy is supported by